Should Spin box component display ‘increment by amount’ if greater than 1?

I need to create a touch component that acts like a spin box (or stepper) except it increments the value in the box more than one at a time, specifically 50 at a time.

  • The range of values in the box is 0 to 1600.
  • You can only edit the value using the increment/decrement buttons.
  • Space is constrained, so using a slider isn't possible. I am considering using 2 sets of steppers, one for +/-100 and +/-50 to be able to traverse the range of values faster.

I attempted the obvious solution, but it looked too busy to me: enter image description here

Is the 'increment by amount' something that generally should be displayed to the user if it's not 1, or can it be omitted since users will end up quickly figuring through usage?

If the former, are there any examples of spin box components that have 'increment by amount' greater than 1? Currently the biggest useage I see for spin boxes are for selecting a quantity of something to buy, which are almost always increment by 1 controls.