Should I use the terminology left/right click?

When instructing users which mouse button to click an element with, it seems standard practice to use the phrase 'left/right click':

To download the file, 'right click' the link and choose 'Save Target as...'

I use the mouse in my left hand, and as generally recommended I have swapped the mouse buttons around. Now if someone uses the terminology 'right click', it is no longer accurate and could cause confusion.

Should I continue to use left/right due to it being generally accepted terminology? I would suggest 'primary/secondary click' should be used, though I have never seen this in the wild.

Please note, this question assumes that I have to use words relating to what button to click on the mouse, the example wording above is just a contrived example. I'm less interested about the issues around using platform specific terminology (ie. what if I'm using a touch device!), that said it is a valid point to make.