Should I require users to make accounts for the sole purpose of deleting incorrect submissions?

I'm working on a web application that takes anonymous submissions from users and displays the data on the website in a helpful manner. (It's basically a 'citizen science' kind of project). One of the main concepts behind it was that it would be extremely quick and easy for users to submit data - they'd do it without having to make an account or sign-in, and by doing it directly from the homepage.

However, I realized that, while this setup is working great, it also makes it very easy for a user to accidentally submit data that is wrong or inaccurate. Thus, if users accidentally post something inaccurately, that data will be 'stuck' on the website, and there'd be no way for them to delete their submissions, which would be frustrating for them and would make the website display wrong information to the public.

Of course, an obvious fix would be to require users to make accounts before submitting so that they could be authorized to delete or edit their own submissions, but I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.

Is there another viable solution that I'm not seeing? Is this issue not as big of a deal as I'm making it?