Should I disable google maps scroll wheel zoom?

In most applications of google maps the scroll wheel will zoom the map instead of scrolling it. Personally I find this confusing, and after years of using google maps, both on the google maps web site and embedded google maps, I still often make the mistake of trying to scroll the map with scroll wheel and end up zooming it instead.

The google maps API allows me to disable scrollwheel zoom when I embed a map in my page. The question is should I disable it?

On the one hand scroll wheel zoom is unconventional in the context of the web as a whole - in the vast majority of cases the scroll wheel scrolls things.

On the other hand scroll wheel zoom is established convention for maps.

It definitely would be a better experience for me if scroll wheel zooming was disabled, but what about the web browsing population in general?

I did some searching on whether I should disable scroll zoom and couldn't find any guidelines. So, to scroll zoom or not to scroll zoom?