Should I be Implementing dedicated permissions request screen for an iOS app?

I want to know how to effectively ask for user location (or other sensitive/annoying permissions) in a modern iOS app.

I have a client with an app which is heavily reliant on user location via 4Square - like API to display a list of nearby points of interest.

The API requires user location. I find the default iOS permissions alert message to be very ineffective at prompting for such critical piece of information. (Am I wrong - do most users enable location for all apps via the built in alert box?)

enter image description here

Should I ask for location permission as a part of onboarding process?


Should I bring up a dedicated permissions page with extra instructions when location is required ?

Are there some metrics I can look at to confirm that the permissions page is required? (For example - by default only 17% of users enable location, 5% enable notifications, with a dedicated page this goes up to 34% and 10%)?

Here's the kind of permissions page I'm thinking about: enter image description here