Should a Counter End At Zero or One
This is regarding a form on a website, but could relate to virtually anything that has a number of steps.
In my situation, when I start the process, I will have a series of 10 records. They are shown in a webform, one after the other. So the first appears on the screen, you edit, then click save and the next one is shown. and so on.
There is a counter, to show how many records are remaining. Should it:
a) Start at 10 on the first, counting down each time a record is saved, ending at 1 on the last.
b) Start at 9 on the first, counting down, ending at 0 for the last.
If the counter currently says "5":
(a) would indicate that there are 5 remaining. (b) would indicate that after the one you are on there are 5 more.
Does either make more sense? Will anyone realise that's what it means, whichever I go for? Am I overthinking it and as long as the number gets lover - you know you're nearly done?