Share buttons on mobile app

I have an app (iOS and Android) that lists discounts (for restaurants and food in general).

I would like to implement the share option for every discount, so the user can tell other people about it.

I have two options:

  1. One general button that opens the share options of each platform.
  2. 3 - 4 options (WhatsApp, FB, Twitter, Email) and a general button that opens the share options of each platform.

What I would like to get are the maximum number of interactions, indepentently of the option I choose.

In your experience, what tends to be the best option of the two for this?

Some examples below

For option #1, this is Uber Eats:

enter image description here

For option #2, this is Burpple:

enter image description here

And this is My App, this is the screen where I will add the button(s):

enter image description here