Select Items – Local & Community

I am a bit struggling (for several hours now) on how to design the following scenario for a mobile application:

  • A user is inside a creation process.

  • To create the element he has to select different items the element consists of.

  • Those item are either items that he himself has stored in his application (local),
  • or items from the community that are suggested based on the most used community items for the element he creates.

Of course it should be possible to search all the items (local & community) using a search where the user can enter text. Logically local and community items are the same and represent the same data model. The difference in showing the item is that for the community items something like "used by 200 people" will be visible.

Should I use tabs (local items, community items) and show a search bar in the top app bar with a checkable items list?
Should I use 2 subheaders "local" and "community" and each a "more" button that will expand the content?
Should I possibly instead use an empty list and a floating action button to add items that reveals two sub buttons "from local" and "from community"?
Or possibly even use expandable cards (one for community, one for local)?
How would you handle such a situation?

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Somehow on the method with tabs & subheaders I miss the possibility to somewhere tell the user to "add items" like in the method with the fab (or better said, I do not know where to place it).

The application is for android and follows the material design guidelines.

Thank you already for your help!