search-suggestion / Best way to show up the look-up option

I am designing a truck details edit form screen. Which consist of truck’s general information tab and a document tab to upload the document related to that truck. In the truck’s general information tab there is field called as driver name, the user have the option to search for the specific driver base on the some parameters and assign a driver to that truck. Now the question is, which will be a best approach to give a search option for specific field,

  • Option 1: Show the search & result in popup but it is a responsive design popup is not recommended due to view port constrains.

  • Option 2: Navigate the user to a new screen with search and result. But here problem is we have carry the forward the truck info to that new screen to maintain the context from where the user is navigated from and it should be inside the tab (general information tab)? also if the user have enter any data before reaching this particular fields in the parent screen, all the data has to be retained once user back to parent screen.

Refer the screen shown below. enter image description here