Search for names and last names – dynamic search

We are developing an application where user can search for the info about their first and last name. We have two search fields, one for first name and one for last name. The reasoning is this:

1) Some names are also last names. So one search field would confuse people about what's what.

2)The user can compare two names, so mixing it with last names would be confusing.

The search is dynamic. when the user selects the first name it generates the info. It also does the same for the last name. If the users enters both, it also shows info for first name & last name combinations.

This is how the search looks:

enter image description here

When a name is selected it looks like this: enter image description here

The problem we are having:

The users don't understand they can compare two names (it says that in the text above the search), which looks like this:

enter image description here

There's also a thing ... where to put the search icon? Currently it only "refreshes" the already displayed content.

Is the location OK? should the icon be inside the search bars (both)- however the clear all is in the way? Or should the search bar be in the "suggestions"? Like this? or both?

enter image description here

Also, when the user searches for the last name (which is generates under the name info (if there's a name already in). It's waaaay down. How do we tell the user there's more content below?

Thank you for all your help!