Saving the user’s position in the nav

We have a client for whom we assist in maintaining/designing their web based application. Their system is very robust, it's a matrix I can't even understand. Because of the multitude of entry points, language requirements and accessibility, it's really difficult to come up with a 'one-size-fits-all' type of solution to their user experience.

After years of trying, we've finally convinced them to go responsive (shocking, i know). We've been planning an off-canvas navigation (accessed via hamburger) with 'accordion' sections. The client is asking if we can save the user's position in the navigation so that when they click back in to it, they don't have to drill back down (potentially) 3 levels to find their place again.

I've never done this. Does anyone have any insight? Is this bad UX? Is this done in web-based applications? Do you have any examples or alternative solutions? The client is a fan of bread crumbs. I am not.
