Salesmanship: How to differentiate two fulfilment statuses when both should seem attractive

My client is asking me to design text labels, iconography and colouring for two «fulfilment statuses» (apologies if that's the wrong term). Both should seem attractive to a potential customer. The paraphrased choices are:

  • Your request can be granted immediately. Click here!
  • We suspect your request cannot be granted immediately, and it will probably cost more than if it could. However, we would very much like you to consider it anyway, and we would love to extend you an offer. Click here!

Don't take this text literally; rather, how to phrase these labels are part of this question.

My client suggests that the first choice should be coloured green (for «ready») and the other blue (for «positive»). I'm struggling a bit to believe that's the best solution. I initially suggested a traffic light approach (green-orange/yellow-red), but the client finds that too off-putting, and I tend to agree.

Suggestions appreciated.