Representing a vehicles speed and velocity as a map icon

I am writing a web application that displays vehicles on a map.

Currently it's displayed like so, but I'm looking to see if anyone has any better ideas on how to improve it, it currently feels a bit lacking.

These points are key information to the user. I have left a note on each one as to my thoughts about how they are currently represented.

  • Current speed (number in centre). Not particularly obvious.
  • Direction (tail, bottom right of circle). Fairly obvious but may need highlighting more.
  • Vehicle State (background colour, currently yellow). Not obvious. (yellow means in transit)
  • Identification (currently vehicle registration, could be driver name? or both? driver picture?)

enter image description here

Note that the frequency of vehicles are likely to be 50-500 and usually cover a modest area (i.e. a region of, or a small country). We currently use clustering to show high density of vehicles.