Redirecting user at login page when he tap on a CTA that require it?

I’m designing a game’s mobile application. In this application there is the possibility to validate the game you played: in a store or in app. We have two type of users:

  1. Guests who are able to access the app and prepare the game but only validate in store.
  2. User logged-in who are able to access the app, prepare the game and validate in app.

The interface is quite the same for both types of user with one difference: we have an header that change. If you are a guest you’ll find a CTA “Sing-in”, in the other case you’ll find your balance and a CTA for charge it. At the bottom, for the both users you find 2 CTA:

  1. Play online (as main CTA)
  2. List item
  3. play in store (as secondary CTA)

Here is our doubt: Witch is the best interaction, according to your experience, on the main CTA? We thought these three scenarios:

  1. CTA “play online” activated and bring the user on the sign-in/up page
  2. CTA “play online” activated and when user tap on it, it’ll appear a popup message
  3. CTA “play online” disabled because there is already the CTA sign-in in the header