Preview of an widget setting in a modal

I got this problem with setting up the modal for a widget preview. Lets say I want to edit a widget and Im opening modal with the widget settings. The problem is, the preview makes the whole modal to high, so the buttons for save/preview disappears outside the screen.. so each time I want to save/preview I need to scroll the modal.

I made this preview:

enter image description here

On the left side you can see the modal during the configuration of the widget options (the user must click on preview). The second version shows the modal window when the user clicks the preview button: this causes the entire modal to expand and the save button sometimes disappears from the screen. Another version of this modal is on the right with the Save / Preview buttons located below the widget options, which will be visible during the preview of a widget, and the user can still press Save without scrolling

Do you think that the best solution would be to move the buttons Save / Preview over the preview area, so that the user has control all the time and just scroll if she wants to see the full preview?

Any response is welcome!