Preventing a user from saving content – Certificate Test

I have been given a task to balance two contradicting concerns. My client creates online educational content for certifications. This content is meant to be viewed in a web browser. Quizzes/exams are part of this service. Most of the exams are set to give feedback, showing all the questions the user got right and which ones they got wrong, sometimes even including the correct answer. This makes sense for certificates where the certificate provider ultimately administers the final, not my client. It helps the student improve quickly and easily.

One provider has insisted that the quiz review not be printed/printable. Initially the client disabled the feedback feature, showing no answer review, only a score. This is the best way to prevent saving the feedback to use as a cheat-sheet however this is causing issues for students who retake the exam multiple times without improving their score, causing a customer support and satisfaction issue.

My client now wants to enable the feature, showing only which answers were right/wrong, but prevent printing, copying, and saving if possible, hoping the certificate provider will be satisfied with this compromise.

We have some basic technical ideas on how to prevent users from doing this, but of course these are tricks and far from foolproof. Our students our mostly older, non technical tradesman, so it's not unreasonable to say that however trivial these measures would be to bypass, they would be adequate a majority of the time.

Is there a better way to help the students progress after failing an exam without risking cheating or upsetting the certificate provider?