Presentation of public and private instances

In my application there exist publicly available and browsable objects. However, users are also able to register, authenticate and then author and manage their own personal instances of these same object types.

In cleaning up some of the back-end persistence store and trying to optimize routes, I realized I needed some help.

Would it make sense to combine the browsing of these public and private objects onto a single page?

Option 1 - Separation

Unauthenticated users visit the application and navigate to '/browse' where they can search and filter all publicly available instances.

Authenticated users log in and are also able to navigate to '/manage' where they are presented with only the objects which they own. They then perform advanced operations as owners etc...

Option 2 - Combination

Unauthenticated users visit the application and navigate to '/explore' where they can search and filter all publicly available instances.

Authenticated users log in and navigate to '/explore' where they see their personal instances in addition to publicly available instances. Their personal instances are highlighted in such a way to differentiate them from public instances. There is presumably a toggle on screen effectively doing a "Show only private instances" function.

I'm not sure exactly if there is a clear winner in my situation and am looking for guidance/examples where something like this may have been done. A combined presentation makes for a single route ('/explore') which cleans things up, but I'm concerned about users having to hunt for one of their private instances among the masses.