Present a project with animations

I would like to present the mobile interface of a project to a client. In my presentation I would like to include some examples of motion ilustrations which appears on the mobile app. I have considered different tools.

With interactive PDF (Adobe Acrobat) it is possible to include animations. The problem with this alternative is that the client must install Adobe Acrobat if I want to show the animations :(

Other alternative is to use a web but I have no idea of how to build web pages. I have considered webflow but I can not find anything to check if it is possible to insert animated svg and I need a lot of more time.

I would like to create a presentation like this but my client must be registered on behance if I want to have the project on private :(

The last option that I have considered is to export the presentation in an animated gif, including animations and static animations. Is there any better option for my presentation?

Thanks in advance. Regards.