Possible to make text in a tag with class "btn btn-default" (Bootstrap 3.3.7) match background?
Is it possible to make the text in an a tag with the class "btn btn-default" match the background image? I am using Bootstrap 3.3.7 in Razor.
Here is the code in question:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="@Url.Action("Login", "Account")">Log in</a>
I want to make the button's text match the background. The button as it currently is is shown in the following image:
As you can see, the text in the button is just grey, but I want the text to match the background, exactly. Would it be possible to make the text in this button match the background in a Razor view (Bootstrap 3.3.7)?
Here is an example of what I want but implemented in Android.