Porting horizontal scroll-able tab design in Android to iOS
I have an Android app which looks the following. The top tabs will be scroll-able, when the number of tabs is increased. From all my users feedback, they are pretty happy with such design.
When number of tabs increased, it will look like following. The entire tab bar is horizontal scroll-able.
In Android, having Tab like above is a common standard design (which the Tab belongs to standard Android library). Except, I did a few customization, to make it looks like rounded corner rectangle.
Now, we are planning to port the app over iOS.
The Tab in iOS looks like https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/bars/tab-bars/
We notice it is not horizontal scroll-able, as the number of tabs increased.
We also notice we will be able to make it horizontal scroll-able, by using non-standard library - https://github.com/xmartlabs/XLPagerTabStrip
But, we are pretty new to iOS ecosystem, and we aren't sure what is the taste of iOS users. Do you think, will they like such non-standard design? If not, what are some standard design I can leverage?