Please help me figure out this included/excluded search filter interaction (4 options)?

I am working on a tool that allows users to analyze a report populated with a bunch of social media (primarily Twitter) posts relating to a topic they are interested in. Within this, I am building something that allows users to search the report (for things like text, author, hashtags, etc) and apply this search as a filter. So for example, a user that works at Nike may want to search the "Nike Shoes" report they created that is all about Nike for mentions of the word "Lebron" to see what people think about their latest campaign with LeBron James. They may also just want to exclude the word "Nike" to get rid of that data and see what else is mentioned outside of their brand (ie: whoa lots of people are positively talking about Adidas + Lebron for some reason this month).

I have come up with a few options for an MVP of this feature. My constraints right now are that the search/filter experience must feel very quick and lightweight, a user must be able to include and exclude text, authors, URLs, and IDs, and that we can't save or allow toggling on/off of any of these search/filters (what the heck are they?) yet.

Here are the 4 options for the controls that I have come up with thus far. In this scenario a user wants to Exclude any posts that mention or contain the author @nike from their report view. I am going throw them up on a testing site, but I would love feedback here as well.

Option 1: One search box. A user can select if they would like to include or exclude once they are hovering on an option.

Option 1:

Option 2: This was actually my first iteration. One search box with a [equals/not not equal] (could be is/is not, +/- .. not sure?) dropdown input next to it. User can click and chose if it is an inclusion or exclusion from the dropdown and then search for what they want.

enter image description here

Option 3: One search box. The searches are all Included/Inclusion (our primary use case) on default. If a user wants it to be an Exclusion they can click the "Exclude instead" link on hover.

enter image description here

Option 4: Two search boxes. The user clicks into the inclusion search box if they want to include something and into the exclusion search box if they want to exclude. I had actually settled on this option but got pushback that it used to much screen real estate and could probably be accomplished with only search box.

enter image description here

I'd love some feedback on:

  1. What option you think works best, or if there is an entirely different solution you think I am missing?
  2. Is there a better search dropdown interaction I could be going with her instead of the flyout appearing below the box? Any inspiring tools or websites with a better pattern?
  3. What is this called? It is basically creating temporary filters by searching a report comprised of posts that that user generated by.. searching a large database of posts. I have been calling it Post Search Filters but :shrug: !

Thanks so much!