Personal information or generated information

Dear community, I am creating a appointment process for a rental process. Currently I am evaluating whether to show the user their First- + Lastname + E-Mail in step (3) that they have entered in stept (1) or just the automatically generated User ID (KdnNr.) that they can see in their E-Mail and their account.

But first, let me run you through the process

enter image description here

  1. User is interested in a appartment, fills out the form, is marked in the system as possible interested client
  2. User is sent an E-Mail including:
    • Their entered data
    • Their User ID (KdnNr.)
    • Link to choose an appointment in our booking system
  3. User chooses time of appointment
  4. User is shown a automatically filled form with their data to check if their data is correct and can modify the data if something is wrong
  5. Appointment is booked, user gets success E-Mail

The Idea

Now, as a responsible company, we love to save unneeded processes to save energy for the enviroment and money for more important stuff. This is why our idea is to sent only the User ID (KdnNr.) and the E-mail to Step (4) instead of their full data.


Due to legal reasons because the whole process is going through two of our systems (object database, appointment system), which is literally two different programms, (which both are more or less intigrated into our CRM), we have the user to enter their data "twice". In the website to show interest in the appartments. And in the appointment software. We are calling the Users data from the automatically generated link in the email at step 2.

The question

Would the user be too confused if only their User ID. (KdnNr.) and E-Mail are shown in Step four? Should we include their First + Lastname + E-Mail, too?