Persistent textfield hint on input – Bad UX?

In my app users get suggestions for things they can put on their list of so called "self-affirmations", things that you read out to yourself to improve etc.

Background: It's been scientifically proven (somewhere, don't have the source currently) that writing something out yourself makes it more memorable than simply reading an already existing text (that's why they often suggest students to write notes when studying, so they remember it better).

Idea: Do not just simply let the user add these suggestions to their list, but make them type it out (probably not as effective as writing it out on paper but it's an app after all).
But to do that, they have to see the text while typing, so I had this idea that I tested in my Axure prototype:

This was (informally) tested with approx. 6 people and I've gotten a mix of slightly positive and neutral responses about the whole thing.

Do you think this is bad UX, as it is kind of "cluttery" and maybe confusing?
Maybe there are more elegant ways to do this?