Pattern for filtering a table column by one of its values

I've come up with a functionality that I haven't seen before, and I'm wondering if it would be effective. The concept is that users will want to filter a table by a value that they recognize.

Given this table: Table with no interactions

The user sees the age 23 and decides to filter by that age. Traditionally, they type 23 in the filter field.

I'm proposing adding a filter icon that appears next to table values when you hover in their cell, like so: Table with hover interaction

Upon clicking the filter icon, that column's filter input field is populated with the corresponding value, thus filtering the table.

The users of the application are generally power users who interact with the application almost every day. The fields that they are likely to filter with are generally multiple words totaling between 10 and 40 characters. The advantage of this is that the user can browse rows with the value that they recognize, as opposed to recall. This is a desktop only application