Partial login for account management

I work for a TV/Telco company and I'm looking at if its a good idea to open up some of the 'My Account' management section of our site to users who are only partially logged in. In a very similar way to what Amazon does today. Despite not being logged in I can still access my account page and access certain non-sensitive journeys.

On our site today if we don't know who you are or if you're browsing anonymously on our site you get a very generic version of our homepage. If you login then we personalise the content and offers shown based on your account. - If you then re-visit the page within 30 days we'll continue to offer a personalised experience (though not as exact or personal as if you we're logged in) via a cookie we drop on your machine.

We do this on our homepage and help pages to drive content and personalised experience to our users. Its been successful for us to-date and our users like the personal experience.

Now I'd like to extend this functionality to 'some' account pages on our site.

This would mean you can visit your account page, be partially logged in, and we could still offer you a limited experience.

Should account pages only ever appear once logged in?

Is their value in still surfacing some of these related pages and journeys (minus sensitive information of course).

My hypothesis is by showing more journeys outside of a login you'll show more users more of what they can do and get a higher journey completion rate.

Would love to hear other people's views or insight in this.