Paper on the significance of terminology regarding users

Does anyone know of material regarding the significance of terminology in (participatory) design processes? I'm looking for theory regarding cases such as this: If some users are patients being monitored at home, what difference does it make whether they are referred to as patients or as something more neutral that does not remind them, in their day-to-day life, that they are sick (both in the interface and in communication with e.g. anthropologists or designers)? And what difference does it make to the design team and the UX consultants etc. whether they refer to the users as patients or simply as users, or as something else?

A scientific paper (possibly a case study) would be preferred, but any input will be appreciated.

Context: I've been following a course called Designing Interactive Technologies as part of my master studies. For my exam, I have to prepare a presentation on a related topic of my own choice. As there has been some debate during the course on how we should refer to the users (patients, citizens, ...), I would like to debate what effect the choice of terminology has on both the development process and on end use.