Ordering of an Eligibility Funnel during application onboarding process

I am designing an onboarding/registration process for a mobile app/service that has fairly restrictive qualification requirements.

Over time, these requirements will be come substantially less restrictive, but our MVP will only provide functionality for a small subset of users.

My question is composed of a few parts:

  1. Understanding that all users will eventually be able to benefit from this application/service, does it make most sense to alert people as soon as we realize they don't qualify, or do we let them finish inputing everything and then tell them?
  2. Depending on the answer to Part 1., Is it better to order the form such that you ask the most general (least restrictive questions) first, or should you filter out non-qualifying users as soon as you know how to reach them once they qualify?

For the process as I currently have it, please refer to this flow diagram:

Flow Diagram