One user, multiple roles: whats the best app ux? [on hold]

I'm building a HR mobile app where one user could use it for two separate roles - as an employee using it for themselves and as a manager using it for their team. Examples of the types of tasks a user can take are below:


  • Set team wide goals
  • Share with team
  • Ask team member coworkers for feedback
  • Generate an evaluation based on feedback


  • Set individual goals
  • Share with manager
  • Request feedback
  • Suggest coworkers to provide feedback on my performance
  • Self - evaluate my performance

What is the best way to handle the information architecture if a manager can act both in the manager role and the employee role? Can both views co-exist in a single mobile app or is it better to provide role only access and make the user switch between roles? I prefer the former but it could become confusing for a take like requesting feedback where one user could be requesting feedback for them as an employee and as a manager for their team.

Also could you send on any examples of HR apps/websites that manage this well today?