On some screen sizes the CTA goes below the fold

I'm designing a web site and i have two buttons one below the other on the landing page. One is a primary button and the other is a secondary button.

The structure of the page includes an image which will occupy say 40% of the screen, below which the title and a short description will follow, below which the above two buttons will follow as you can see in this image

The problem i face is that for the smallest possible screen size (iphone 5) where there is not enough height the second button will only be visible on scroll, as can be seen this image

I'm wondering if this could be problematic for users because this structure would confuse them by splitting a sort of section in between?

I do understand that users scroll and i'm just wondering about the coherency of the structure rather than fearing that they won't see the button. One possible work around would be to reduce the description text or make its size smaller but I would like to avoid it if possible.

Wondering if any one has faced this problem and has tackled this before. I do not have data though to confirm my thinking