on-screen keyboard covers input field

Are there best practices for forms with HTML input elements when they must be used on a mobile device?

On my in-development web application, when running on an Android phone, the input field is often covered by the software keyboard when the field gets focus. The result of this is that the user must enter the text blindly, only seeing what was typed after the keyboard is dismissed.

My online searches have only turned up one treatment of the problem, and it seems rather complicated (I am wary of complicated solutions: they seem fragile and prone to breaking unpredictably).

I have a couple of ideas, one being to always shift the input field to the top of the view window when it receives focus, the second to open a subordinate dialog with a single text element under which the keyboard should always fit. However, these also trigger my complicated solution anxiety.

With internet-connected mobile phones as ubiquitous as they are, I suspect that this problem of the keyboard covering input field has a solution. I just can't find it. Please help me. :(