On checkout, is it possible to include "Visa Checkout", "Amex Checkout", Mastercard Securecode + Paypal?

My goal is to create a signup screen that allows the easiest and most secure way to pay for a product.

In most cases, I can improve the security and reduce payment disputes by using brand specific sign in flows. (Visa/Mastercard/Amex)

However, when it comes to ease of use, some people love Paypal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

My goal is to create a flow that allows for both flexibility and security. Some of the proposed currencies include

Brand specific:

Aggregate, supports many different payment types above

Proposed design:

  1. Screen 1 asks what kind of card are you using (Visa/Master/Amex/Bitcoin)
  2. Based on the selection above, then present the user with a place to type a card number in. Below that include a sign in for a Visa/Paypal/Google Pay.
  3. If the machine happens to be OSX sierra, then add the Apple Pay button. It will automatically remain hidden if Apple pay isn't set up.


Is this a good payment flow? What can be improved?