On Android, how do you design a very shallow navigation?

I need to create a simple account section in my mobile app with 1-level deep navigation:

           ___ Register
Account --
          \___ Login

On iPhone, I'm using a grouped table view:

|  ____________   |
| /            \  |
| | Log in    > | |
| --------------| |
| | Register  > | |
| \____________/  |
|                 |

When you tap a table cell, it navigates to a new screen with a back button on top back to the root account page. I think this works pretty good on iOS, because the rounded edges on a grouped table view make each cell look like a button.

On Android, the analogy to a table view is called a list view. Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to make each cell rounded in Android. Here's what it looks like:

| Login           |
| Register        |
|                 |
|                 |

Is this an acceptable design on Android? My worry is that the list view in Android doesn't look tappable. It's just plain text with dividers. Secondly, there's two tiny lines of text on top and the bottom of the page is blank.