Nice way of showing your skills on portfolio [on hold]

First of all, I want to say that I'm not a UX Designer.

I have seen many portfolios or resumes websites where someone shows his/her skills with progress bars and sometimes use percentages, like this example

Personally I'm not a big fan of this as:

  • How exactly you can measure your skills in percentages?
  • I think you shoot your own foot as you may lose some jobs because you have for example only 60% in Javascript.

I think two good ways of improving this, if someone stick with this option is either hide the percentages so it would show a bit more abstract or generic, or to have some vertical points that each bar reaches, like "Beginner", "Intermediate", "Expert".

My questions at this point are:

A. Is this case of using the progress bars, how can I add these vertical points in the current code snippet I've set above?

B. Is there a better way of showing this section? please note again I'm not a UX designer :-)