ng-table UX design table-page and results per page controls
I was hoping to get some input about table-pages and results per page. our team uses the ng-table to display data in table format. I personally think the page controls are very confusing. I am looking for all the additional UX designer opinions (and reasons for their opinions) I can get as to what is the best/worst design for table controls.
Before reading the ng-table code I was just interacting with it as a user would. It took me several days to figure out that the 'results per page' controls were the 'results per page' controls and Not the 'page number' of the page you were currently looking at (see example of what the tables look like below). I can supply UX reasoning as to why a user would get this wrong but hoping to get other's opinions as to what is good/bad about the ng-table page controls design.
QUESTION: What are your UX thoughts on ng-table page controls and what UX rules back up your thoughts.
Additionally, why are results-per-page controls in the form shown in ng-table instead of in a dropdown. This control (like mentioned here) is not that critical (in most instances and if pick a good results-per-page value) anymore with current computing power and internet speeds (it was originally around/really-needed when you had dial-up connections) and to me it seems should be as small and insignificant and out of the way as possible (like in the form of a drop-down if anything).