News Publishers (Web & Mobile)

What are some new and interesting ways recently, you have noticed, that news publishers (ex. Newsweek, New York Times, Reuters, etc.) have been using to improve upon engaging their users more and increase retention times on their sites?

People these days typically have fleeting attention spans and trying to retain users on any site, let alone news sites, is always a daunting challenge. Too many times, in my own anecdotal experience, I have gone to a news site only to be greeted by walls upon walls of text, last a few moments, lose interest, then move on to the next chunk of web content.

Some things I had found:


Quartz does a good job of simplifying/focusing the choices that users have to go through when looking for content so that they are not initially overwhelmed. They have three different classifications in how they populate content (Our Picks, Latest & Popular).


Reuters has a nice little feature they call 'The Wire' where they spoonfeed you breaking news as they become available. It's a rapid fire way of consuming content in short snippets and works well for the the current times where people consume news so quickly.