New developer here, tips/suggestions to improving UI/UX on personal website using ReactJS [on hold]
I am an amateur web developer, and am teaching myself React. Currently, I have been building a personal website hosted on github pages -
Now my primary goal has been to make the page functional, and far as I understand, it is functional. But the page does not really "look' or "feel" good - that is, I wouldn't want to spend time on this site at all. I'm now working on making it responsive and improving UI/UX but am having a hard time there. As someone who has not made a website ever before I cannot conceive ideas that will make the website look appealing/aesthetic. So I was hoping for help in -
- As I want to complete the mobile design first, switching over to mobile view (iPhone 6/7/8) in devTools, what suggestions (font, style, colors, item-positioning, etc) do you have to make the site look more appealing to a user.
As this is a personal website, I think the essential factor is that it should be "eye-catching" but I don't understand how to make it so. Is there any online resource/books I can study to get a better understanding of aesthetic web design? I appreciate your help in developing (no pun intended :P) a budding programmer and please do not hesitate to criticize and highlight the site's shortcomings.