Navigating Deep links

Im working on a mobile flow that allows a user to deeplink to separate jobs within the same app via toast messages and/or notifications from a notification centre.

Im struggling with getting back to the original start location.

Example (see diagram):

  1. User drills in to Job 1 and lands at Stuff 1.1 from homepage
  2. Gets a toast notification of things happening in Stuff 2.1 in Job 2.
  3. Taps toast and goes to visit Stuff 2.1
  4. Note: User is leaving Job 1, and now going into Job 2
  5. User is now in the Job 2 > Stuff 2.1 flow
  6. How does the user get back to the origin, Stuff 1.1?



When going from stuff 1.1 to stuff 2.1. If hit the back arrow on stuff 2.1, it should take me to Job 2. This seems correct from an IA, flow point of view because I have now plopped my user in a page of the flow.

I am perplexed with how to get back the the original screen from a different part of the app after selecting to go view that data.

The 2 options I have thought of so far are:

  • Hijack the Stuff 2.1 back button and have that be back to Stuff 1.1 and not the Job 2 page.
  • Design a floating back button to get you back to the original location, leaves user free to view job 2 pages and does not hijack or disrupt regular page flow