Name for flexible view-based layout like in Photoshop, Eclipse, Blender?

Is there an established name for the visualization and interaction based on movable views as in Photoshop, Eclipse, Blender, etc.?

I refer to:

  • a screen with some global controls
  • onto which a set of views can be distributed (mostly, tiled, non-overlapping)
  • views are connected, e.g., selection in one determines content in another
  • views show different aspects of one (complex) model (such as a development project)
  • where the user determines which views are shown
  • views can be resized and dragged to their new place
  • which allows to save a certain layout (as a "perspective" - Eclipse terminology)
  • sometimes views can be combined into a tabbar, so only one of a few is visible at any time
  • sometimes views can be torn off into their own window (possibly on another screen)

So it's not a term for a single control, but rather a "floorplan" of an entire app.