Multiple scrolling, dragging in modal/popup window. Good UX?

Had a discussion with the stakeholders regarding the things they require and they suggested to convert the product's modal window in the similar form the WRAP is doing(Open any image just after one viewport)

enter image description here

So I did a heuristics check and found out some of the laws it is violating and also after doing a small peer usability testing, I found out people are unable to use it easily but are very fascinated with this new type of UI as it is different.

So just like the wrap, is it okay to provide the finger depended gestures on the pointer based devices? Like swipe instead of scrolling, multiple arrows navigation on a single view?

One option could be the usage of arrow keys, just like the dribbble does?

If it is okay then what are the points that I should cater before proceeding with the modal view so that it'll look pleasing also and will not break the experience of the web app?