Multiple preferences 3 layers deep

I'm trying to come up with a solution for the problem that is the ability to select multiple preferences with upto 3 layers deep.

The primary layer would affect the options shown for layer2, and layer 2 would affect what's shown for layer 3.

Layer1 would have upto 6 choices max, layer 2 upto 24, layer 3 upto 10.

Options I've been thinking of:

  • accordion tree with checkboxes (could this be confusing with such a long lists and having up to 3 layers)

  • single drop down, which would build upto 2 more drop downs depending onchoices made. This would have add more button below allowing user to add more preferences. (Downside is if the user requires multiple items from one area it could become tiresome clicking add more over and over again)

Can anyone help on anymore ideas for this?
