Multi-level expanding child rows in table

I'm trying to design a tabular view in which each item in a row contains about 5 pieces of basic information, the exact number doesn't matter. Some items will consist of multiple child items, which can be viewed by expanding the parent row. Each child has 3 of the 5 pieces of basic information. Some of the children will consist of multiple child items themselves, and so on. The depth of child items in practice probably won't exceed 3/4 but there's no hard limit.

My first basic design is here: enter image description here

Here's a slightly improved design, but is still confusing: enter image description here

Does anyone have any ideas on how the layout could be improved to make it more obvious what's going on in a manner that can go 4 levels deep or even more?

EDIT: To prevent the page from becoming too complicated in this solution only one sibling will be expanded at a time, so essentially meaning each level is an accordion.