Mobile questionnaire Wizard

I am currently working on this app. We’ve done some user test on the feature and the feedback was positive. However, the sample was small and I still have some concerns about the design and we are not able to do another round of user testing as yet.

The user flow is to go through a 5 step wizard. Each screen will ask a question and the last one is a confirmation screen before you submit. Some of these questions will require some sort of validation e.g “a required input field”.

The design proposes to use a slider to go step by step.

In order to move to the next question, the user must press the ‘next’ button

My concern: This is a common UI pattern and usually people have the ability to also swiping to navigate through the slides. In this case I am relying on a button to do this (considering that we need to trigger a validation check).

Do you think I should stick to the button or allow for both interactions?

Any thoughts, recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

screen wireframe