Mobile Navigation – Endless loop issue with two mutually referencing screens

One part of my app is a collection of tasks that the user has to do. For each task, he will be able to create so called "reports", where he describes certain steps that he took to accomplish the task and how well he did. Reports are not limited by amount, so there can be many for each task.

That's how the current flow looks like:

Workflow visualization of the app

To have quick access to the currently active task, it has its own button in the main menu. This active task screen also shows the amount of created reports for this task and links to the detailed reports page.
The detailed reports page of each task in turn links to the corresponding task screen. This can either be the active task or any older task that is already finished.

The issue I'm facing is this:
Both of these screens link to each other, creating an infinite loop.
Of course one option would be to remove one of the links completely but that wouldn't really help the user.

My current idea is to make it dependent on the parent screen that opened it and then simply hide the linking button:
enter image description here (And vice versa for the other way around)

Do you see issues that users could have with this solution?

It does break consistency and might be slightly confusing at first, but it's a minor thing and should be learned easily. But maybe I'm missing something.