Mobile card carousel navigation


We are currently using a standard mobile pattern to showcase 3 cards where users can compare different plans.


The cards are very text heavy and contain alot of content below the fold, all of which must be there for legal and compliance reasons.

The main issue I have is that in reducing the width to reveal the next card and entice the user to swipe, it’s causing issues in content layout within the card, so we want to maximise width of the card on mobile devices.

We don’t want to stack the cards as it means the user needs to scroll up and down to compare features across plans, adding to cognitive load.

Possible Solutions

As pictured, I am playing around with a few solutions, but nothing feels quite right. My question is, are there any other existing patterns that don't rely on revealing the next/previous card in the carousel? We are trying to avoid having to re-design the content within the card if possible...

mobile card carousel navigation solutions