Mobile: Back after edit should go to the edit again?
Scenario A:
- Open app on the mobile and go to the list of homework;
- Click on create a new homework;
- Edit page is appearing;
- You fill up the form and click on "create homework";
Redirects me to the homework page (not the list of homework);
Question: If I press back, should I go to the edit page OR the list of homework?
Scenario 2:
- I'm on the list of homework page;
- I click on one homework;
- I go to the homework page (not the list of homework);
- I click edit homework;
- I go to the edit page;
- I update and click "update homework";
Redirects me to the homework page (not the list of homework);
Question: If I press back should I go to the edit homework OR to the list of homework?
This a web application, but will also run on a native app inside a web view, of course.