Mixing true/false and open-ended settings

I've been handed a settings page to review. The settings mix true/false and open-ended items. Some of the open-ended items can be long and wordy. This is an example of the current design:

Options list with X icons and open-ended attributes mixed together

Mixing the booleans with the long-form attributes seems wrong, but I can't recall any principles to explain why. It looks cluttered and messy when there are dozens of them. Moving the long-form questions away from the booleans seems much cleaner.

Same settings but with the true-false questions clustered together

I am going to make a case to get rid of the View state altogether so users don't have to enter an edit mode to update settings, which should help - but meanwhile, why doesn't mixing booleans and other datatypes "work" visually? What principles might explain that?