mixing multi select and single select in one list of ajax results

I'm designing a mobile app (android + ios)

I'd like to have a page where you can type in a search bar, and get a list of (ajax) results you can choose from.

the results are a name, with either - team or player tag

if you select team - you can then go to second page, preferably, without pressing next button.

if you select player - you have the option to select others (up to 6) or not - keep only one, and then move to second page.

I had few UI options in mind (but none satisfies me) :

  1. pressing team will move immediately to page2, pressing player will enable next button, and you can select more or press next.

  2. any select moves to page2 -> page2 shows a list of selected subjects, if it's a team - you can't change it (besides back), if player - you press more and a popup (or something else? - move back?) opens so you can select more

  3. page1 is divided to team and player search, losing the cool multi-search option

  4. in result list - if you select player or team it will be marked with V, if you select another player - you'll have two Vs, if you select a team - the V will change to that. (might be confusing, so some explanation text is possible. also I can divide to results to two sections)

  5. result list is divided to two section - pressing a player or team will move to page2. above players part, a text will say "long press for multiselect". long press will clear the search bar, and somewhere show all previously selected players with done button. (Q: is long press common method for IOS ? )

Would appreciate to hear any idea