Measuring activity on an invision prototype?

I'm wondering if any of you all could help me with this predicament.

I am about to finish a certificate in human-computer interaction and the final gauntlet is A/B testing the prototypes we have built throughout the course. The prototyping was left to our discretion and since my web development isn't nearly as good as would be needed to actually build the site, I chose to use invision as it served my needs better than pixate would.

The test needs to be on at least 20 people but my bigger problem is measuring conversions. Does anybody know of a way to do this online? I've thought of hosting it on my own website and then adding some third party tools like analytics but I don't believe it will register the clicks from an embed (although it may, in which case problem solved) if anybody knows for sure please tell me. I have also thought about just doing in person non-usability tests with the built in invision mobile testing software, but that would severely limit the quality of data retrieved.

Its pretty strange performing an A/B test without a user-base for a service that doesn't exist so any help is much appreciated.