Material Design vs Trust

I am at the cross roads whether to use material design or not for startup website. I want to give the visitors feeling of that

  • It protect your privacy (ie: does not sell ads based on user data),
  • Community driven instead of company driven

(Visitors should feel a sense of trustworthiness)

Some of us get the mixed feelings when we think about Google

  • Trust feeling: Big reputed company
  • Distrust feeling

IMHO Material Design is tightly associated with Google's brand. Yes of course you can use material theming to kind of unique brand identity, most of us know when we see something designed using material design.

And I am aware that material design is just guidelines, not rules.

I will be developing the website using already existing component frameworks(Material-UI,Bootstrap)

So my question is:

Should I use Material Design wih theming or Bootstrap with customization to give the user of sense of trust?