Material Design the correct way to work with primary and secondary action in this case

Today I've got a question about the correct way to use material design in a "UX way" and in a particular case.

I'm working on a desktop interface with a sidebar on the left that control main focus events on the right area of the screen.

this list is made by items with a content (the name of the control) and two type of controls:

1 - primary action - to activate and deactivate the control (it shows hide/things on the right area)

2 - secondary action - an expandable V to open a panel that influence what's happen on the right (only if the primary action is activated)

Questions: - is this the correct way to design it? - in Material Design design specs they define the order primary action,content,secondary action (A on the image)... In my opinion (B on the image) is better to put on the item's right two actions/controls that influence the events on the right of the screen that is the focus of what we are doing in a left to right reading direction.

here is an example